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Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V3 Rumble Motor Mounts

Fanatec Clubsport Pedals V3 Rumble Motor Mounts

Regular price £10.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.00 GBP
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An upgrade to the original Motor Mounts that puts the motor higher up- thus increasing the vibration effect, and orientates the rotation to give better effect.

No modifications to the wiring are required when used with the stock/original motor mounts.

Fits pedals with or without the extra pedal face attachments (as shown in main picture)

Securely held in place with zip ties (supplied) and there is zero wobble in the mount

Can also be used to mount extra motors on the side of the pedal as shown so you can use Simhub (PC only) to add rumble effects as well as the limited rumble offereing from Fanatecs built in motors. I also sell these rumble controller kits- see my shop for that.

You should be able to mount these with the bolts supplied with your pedal set, but depending on your set up you may been to purchase extra bolts, the bolt size is M6.

Printed in Black or Translucent Red to give as close a match as possible to the anodised red of the pedal set.

Please be careful with the delicate wires on the motors. Any work carried out on your pedal set is at your own risk.

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